We help owners transition their business with confidence.

Flywheel Effect is an acquisition company focused on buying a profitable Australian company.

Committed to buying a remarkable business and caring for it indefinitely.

Contact Us

Level 5, 111 Cecil St South Melbourne, 3205

0413 337 855


A significant amount of business owners wealth can be in their business.

We focus on Australian family and privately held businesses where the owners have built a great company and believe it's time to unlock some wealth.

Flywheel Effect is an acquisition company run and backed by operators with decades of experience.

Unlike other investment firms or your competitors, we're not looking for a short term return. We believe in buying a great business with solid foundations and investing in the strategic infrastructure and people required for sustained success.

We're only looking to acquire one business, so we'd love to learn more about you and what you have built.

A business that can stand the test of time…

We’re looking for a high-quality business with a track record of profitability.


Year on year growth

Fragmented competition

Difficult to enter


Revenue above $4m

Profit above $1m

Margins above 15%


Predictable revenue

Strong relationships

Low capital requirement

Our Values



We favour enhancements over restructuring and incremental improvements over time to help a company reach it's potential. Creating sustained value takes time and discipline, which is what we are all about.



Relationships are at the heart of everything we do. Our focus is on protecting and enabling staff and suppliers. Results just don’t come any other way.



We are obsessed with understanding customers and what makes them tick. It starts with empathy, which is hard but lets us create real value for customers through our services.

Let’s chat

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Big things happen because you do a bunch of little things supremely well that compound over time.

– Jim Collins